[MDM 2024]Spatial-Temporal Large Language Model for Traffic Prediction

news/2025/2/23 11:11:37

论文网址:[2401.10134] Spatial-Temporal Large Language Model for Traffic Prediction

论文代码:GitHub - ChenxiLiu-HNU/ST-LLM: Official implementation of the paper "Spatial-Temporal Large Language Model for Traffic Prediction"

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1. 心得

2. 论文逐段精读

2.1. Abstract

2.2. Introduction

2.3. Related Work

2.3.1. Large Language Models for Time Series Analysis

2.3.2. Traffic Prediction

2.4. Problem Definition

2.5. Methodology

2.5.1. Overview

2.5.2. Spatial-Temporal Embedding and Fusion

2.5.3. Partially Frozen Attention (PFA) LLM

2.6. Experiments

2.6.1. Datasdets

2.6.2. Baselines

2.6.3. Implementations

2.6.4. Evaluation Metrics

2.6.5. Main Results

2.6.6. Performance of ST-LLM and Ablation Studies

2.6.7. Parameter Analysis

2.6.8. Inference Time Analysis

2.6.9. Few-Shot Prediction

2.6.10. Zero-Shot Prediction

2.7. Conclusion

3. Reference

1. 心得



2. 论文逐段精读

2.1. Abstract

        ①They proposed Spatial-Temporal Large Language Model (ST-LLM) to predict traffic(好像没什么特别的我就不写了,就是在介绍方法,说以前的精度不高。具体方法看以下图吧)

2.2. Introduction

        ①Traditional CNN and RNN cannot capture complex/long range spatial and temporal dependencies. GNNs are prone to overfitting, thus reseachers mainly use attention mechanism.

        ②Existing traffic prediction methods mainly focus on temporal feature rather than spatial

        ③For better long term prediction, they proposed partially frozen attention (PFA)

2.3. Related Work

2.3.1. Large Language Models for Time Series Analysis

        ①Listing TEMPO-GPT, TIME-LLM, OFA, TEST, and LLM-TIME, which all utilize temporal feature only. However, GATGPT, which introduced spatial feature, ignores temporal dependencies.

imputation  n.归责;归罪;归咎;归因

2.3.2. Traffic Prediction

        ①Filter is a common and classic method for processing traffic data

        ②Irrgular city net makes CNN hard to apply or extract spatial feature

2.4. Problem Definition

        ①Input traffic data: \mathbf{X}\in\mathbb{R}^{T\times N\times C}, where T denotes timesteps, N denotes numberof spatial stations, C denotes feature

        ②Task: given historical traffic data \mathbf{X}_{P}=\{\mathbf{X}_{t-P+1},\mathbf{X}_{t-P+2},\ldots,\mathbf{X}_{t}\}\in\mathbb{R}^{P\times N\times C} of P time steps only, learning a function f\left ( \cdot \right ) with parameter \theta to predict future S timesteps: \mathbf{Y}_{S}=\{\mathbf{Y}_{t+1},\mathbf{Y}_{t+2},\ldots,\mathbf{Y}_{t+S}\}\in\mathbb{R}^{S\times N\times C}:


2.5. Methodology

2.5.1. Overview

        ①Overall framework of ST-LLM:

where Spatial-Temporal Embedding layer extracts timesteps \mathbf{E}_{T}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times D}, spatial embedding \mathbf{E}_{S}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times D}, and temporal embedding \mathbf{E}_{P}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times D} of historical P timesteps. Then, they three are combined to \mathbf{E}_{F}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times3D}. Freeze first F layers and preserve last U layers in PFA LLM and get output \mathbf{H}^{L}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times3D}. Lastly, regresion convolution convert it to \widehat{\mathbf{Y}}_{S}\in\mathbb{R}^{S\times N\times C}.

2.5.2. Spatial-Temporal Embedding and Fusion

        ①They get tokens by pointwise convolution:


        ②Applying linear layer to encode input \mathbf{X}_P\in\mathbb{R}^{P\times N\times C} to day \mathbf{X}_{day}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times T_{d}} and week \mathbf{X}_{week}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times T_{w}}:

E_T^d = W_{day}(X_{day}), \\ E_T^w = W_{week}(X_{week}), \\ E_T = E_T^d + E_T^w.

where \mathbf{W}_{day}\in\mathbb{R}^{T_{d}\times D} and \mathbf{W}_{week}\in\mathbb{R}^{T_{w}\times D} are learnable parameter and the output is \mathbf{E}_{T}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times D}

        ③They extract spatial correlations by:


        ④Fusion convolution:


where \mathbf{H}_{F}\in\mathbb{R}^{N\times3D}

2.5.3. Partially Frozen Attention (PFA) LLM

        ①They freeze the first F layers (including multihead attention and feed-forward layers) which contains important information:


where i \in \left \{ 1,F-1 \right \}\mathbf{H}^{1}=[\mathbf{H}_{F}+\mathbf{P}\mathbf{E}]\mathrm{PE} denotes learnable positional encoding, \mathbf{\bar{H}}^{i} represents the intermediate representation of the i-th layer after applying the frozen multi-head attention (MHA) and the first unfrozen layer normalization (LN), \mathbf{H}^{i} symbolizes the final representation after applying the unfrozen LN and frozen feed-forward network (FFN), and:

LN \left( \mathbf { H } ^ { i } \right) = \gamma \odot \frac { \mathbf { H } ^ { i } - \mu } { \sigma } + \beta ,\\ MHA ( \tilde { \mathbf { H } } ^ { i } ) = \mathbf { W } ^ { O } ( \mathrm { h e a d } _ { 1 } ^ { i } \| \cdots \| \mathrm { h e a d } _ { h } ^ { i } ) ,\\ \mathrm { h e a d } _ { k } ^ { i } = A t t e n t i o n ( \mathbf { W } _ { q } ^ { k } \tilde { \mathbf { H } } ^ { i } , \mathbf { W } _ { k } ^ { k } \tilde { \mathbf { H } } ^ { i } , \mathbf { W } _ { v } ^ { k } \tilde { \mathbf { H } } ^ { i } ) ,\\ A t t e n t i o n ( \tilde { \mathbf { H } } ^ { i } ) = \operatorname { s o f t m a x } \left( \frac { \tilde { \mathbf { H } } ^ { i } \tilde { \mathbf { H } } ^ { i T } } { \sqrt { d _ { k } } } \right) \tilde { \mathbf { H } } ^ { i } ,\\ F F N ( \tilde { \mathbf { H } } ^ { i } ) = \max \left( 0 , \mathbf { W } _ { 1 } \tilde { \mathbf { H } } ^ { i + 1 } + \mathbf { b } _ { 1 } \right) \mathbf { W } _ { 2 } + \mathbf { b } _ { 2 } ,\\

        ②Unfreezing the last U layers:


        ③The final regresion convolution (RConv):


        ④Loss function:

\mathcal{L}=\left\|\widehat{\mathbf{Y}}_{S}-\mathbf{Y}_{S}\right\|+\lambda\cdot L\mathrm{reg}

where \mathbf{Y}_{S} is ground truth


2.6. Experiments

2.6.1. Datasdets

        ①Statistics of datasets:

        ②NYCTaxi: includes 266 virtual stations and 4,368 timesteps (each timestep is half-hour)

        ③CHBike: includes 250 sites and 4,368 timesteps (30 mins as well)

2.6.2. Baselines

        ①GNN based baselines: DCRNN, STGCN, GWN, AGCRN, STGNCDE, DGCRN

        ②Attention based model: ASTGCN, GMAN, ASTGNN


2.6.3. Implementations

        ①Data split: 6:2:2

        ②Historical and future timesteps: P=12,S=12


        ④Learning rate: 0.001 and Ranger21 optimizer for LLM and 0.001 and Adam for GCN and attention based

        ⑤LLM: GPT2 and LLAMA2 7B

        ⑥Layer: 6 for GPT2 and 8 for LLAMA2

        ⑦Epoch: 100

        ⑧Batch size: 64

2.6.4. Evaluation Metrics

        ①Metrics: Mean Absolute Error (MAE), Mean Absolute Percentage Error (MAPE), Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE), and Weighted Absolute Percentage Error (WAPE)

2.6.5. Main Results

        ①Performance table:

2.6.6. Performance of ST-LLM and Ablation Studies

        ①Module ablation:

        ②Frozen ablation:

2.6.7. Parameter Analysis

        ①Hyperparameter U ablation:

2.6.8. Inference Time Analysis

        ①Inference time table:

2.6.9. Few-Shot Prediction

        ①10% samples few-shot learning:

2.6.10. Zero-Shot Prediction


2.7. Conclusion


3. Reference

  title={Spatial-Temporal Large Language Model for Traffic Prediction},
  author={Liu, Chenxi and Yang, Sun and Xu, Qianxiong and Li, Zhishuai and Long, Cheng and Li, Ziyue and Zhao, Rui},



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